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South Carolina Pre-Settlement Loans

Every year, the total number of traffic collisions in South Carolina has gone up since 2011.

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South Carolina
lawsuit loans south carolina - Delta Lawsuit Loans

South Carolina Lawsuit Loans from Delta Lawsuit Loans

Accidents happen in South Carolina every single day.

Whether car accidents or slip and falls or any other types of accidents happen all the time.

But that doesn’t make them any less shocking, and it doesn’t make it any easier to prepare for the shock of being in one of these accidents.

Delta Lawsuit Loans can’t help you prepare, but we can help you recover. Once you hire a lawyer to pursue a lawsuit and seek a settlement potentially, you can apply for a lawsuit loan from us.

That allows you to collect money as soon as a day after you applying, rather than months or years after you file your South Carolina lawsuit settlement loans. Then, if you win, we’ll get repaid straight out of the settlement.

If you lose, we won’t get repaid at all; that means you won’t have to pay us anything if you lose your case.

Car Accident Injuries in South Carolina

Every accident is a tragedy, but unfortunately, yours was hardly unique. There were 141,874 crashes in South Carolina in 2017, according to statistics from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

In those accidents, 60,566 South Carolinians were injured, and 989 were killed.

On average, one crash every 3 minutes, 42 seconds, in South Carolina in 2017.

The Circumstances are Also Essential When it Comes to Car Accidents

car accident in South Carolina - Delta Lawsuit Loanss
Some uniform steps to all car accidents, while some depend on the circumstances. Additionally, some steps that are uniform are not always possible, given the circumstances.

For example, you should always move your car out of a lane of traffic.

But the car could be so destroyed that that isn’t a possibility.

You should also always exchange information with the other driver, but the other driver may have illegally abandoned the scene, or maybe you or he or she is unable to leave the car.

You should never leave the scene of the accident before fulfilling all your legal obligations. That includes calling the police if necessary.

If the police did not investigate the accident on the scene, and someone was hurt or killed or $1,000 or more of property damage occurred, you have to send an accident report to the Department of Motor Vehicles within 15 days of the accident.

South Carolina’s Statute of Limitations

South Carolina’s statute of limitations for car accident lawsuits is three years, so make sure to file any South Carolina lawsuit funding before.

Not only will you not file a lawsuit, but you probably won’t get a settlement offer if you blow past that deadline because the other driver doesn’t have to fear the possibility of being sued. You’re going to the safe side of that deadline and get started as early as you can.

When you sue for a car accident in South Carolina, you do so under the state’s modified comparative negligence rule.

This rule states that a person can sue even if he or she was partially at fault for the accident, but not if he or she was more at fault than the party whom he or she issues.

Additionally, the plaintiff’s share of a fault will be deducted from the damages awarded to him or her.

That’s a lot to digest, so that an example might help. Let’s say a driver sustains $10,000 in damages but was 10 percent responsible for the accident.

In that case, the jury would take 10 percent off of $10,000, or $1,000, which leaves the driver with $9,000.

However, if this driver’s share of the responsibility were 90 percent or anything over 50 percent, he or she would not collect any damages under South Carolina state law.

You all assume a case goes to trial, but many cases never do. Even if you settle, it’s a good idea to have a steady grasp of the laws that govern car accident cases in South Carolina. They’ll come up in your settlement talks because the other driver will have to estimate how much they stand to lose should the case go to trial.

Even if you have solid proof of the damages you suffered and the other driver’s fault, it could still take months if not years to settle or for the jury to reach a verdict.

Slip and Fall Injuries in South Carolina - Delta Lawsuit Loans

Your medical bills, rent, and other expenses are just waiting to be paid.

And they just can’t wait for that long. In this case, a car accident loan from us can be hugely helpful.

You can receive cash in your bank account as soon as 24 hours after you apply, a turnaround that’s inconceivable when compared to the time it takes to settle.

Slip and Fall Injuries in South Carolina

Slip and fall cases––in which one person is injured on another person’s or entity’s property––work identically in a legal sense to car accident cases in South Carolina.

The state applies the same statute of limitations––three years––to slip and falls as it does to car accidents, and the same method of determining damages to be awarded, called the modified comparative negligence rule.

The modified comparative negligence rule ensures that someone injured in a slip and fall can still seek compensation even if he or she was partially responsible.

If, however, a person was more than 50 percent responsible for the slip and fall, the person barred from seeking any compensation.

On top of all that, the person’s fault will be subtracted from his or her damages to calculate the award he or she receives.

How does that all work on a practical level? Let’s say a person breaks his or her arm in a slip and fall and ends up with damages worth $5,000.

But the person was running where he or she should have been walking, so a jury finds the person was 10 percent responsible for the slip and fall.

Now, the jury subtracts 10 percent from the damages of $5,000, which is $500. It leaves the plaintiff with $4,500––90 percent of injuries for the 90 percent of the accident for which they were not responsible.

A slip and fall loan could be an important resource for you as you move forward with your slip and fall case.

You can apply for one as soon as you have a lawyer, and you don’t need to worry about your credit score or employment status. Just apply today, and you could be approved and have cash in hand as soon as tomorrow.

South Carolina Cities We Fund

Were you injured in South Carolina and hired a lawyer? Then we can fund your case!

Here are examples of cities and towns in South Carolina that we fund:

  • Columbia
  • Charleston
  • North Charleston
  • Rock Hill
  • Greenville
  • Mount Pleasant
  • Sumter
  • Summerville
  • Florence
  • Spartanburg
  • Goose Creek
  • Hilton Head Island
  • Greer
  • Anderson
  • Greenwood
  • Myrtle Beach

Don’t see the city where your case occurred here? Don’t worry about that because these are just examples.

If your case occurred in South Carolina or another of the many states that we fund, you’re good to go and you apply today to our pre-settlement loans in South Carolina.

Historical South Carolina

south carolina pre settlement funding - Delta lawsuit Loans

There’s a lot to do in the Palmetto State that differentiates it from the nation’s other 49 states and every other place in the world. Some of these include checking out the state’s parks, such as gorgeous Caesars Head State Park and its many beaches, including Myrtle Beach. In Charleston, you can walk up and down the city’s Historic District.

You can also visit Fort Sumter, the site of the first shots fired in the Civil War.

Why Delta Lawsuit Loans?

There are a few simple steps to obtaining a South Carolina pre-settlement cash advance from us. First, call us up for a quick chat, or leave your name and information on our website.

We’ll want to hear a little bit about your case and what kind of
South Carolina pre settlement funding
you’re looking.

We can also answer any questions you might have about the process.

Next, we’ll want to speak with your attorney for a detailed rundown on your case. We want to be well informed when we make our decision because, unlike banks, we don’t decide whether to offer South Carolina pre-settlement funding based on credit scores or similar metrics, but the merits of your case. Finally, we’ll evaluate all the information you have and make an informed decision on whether to offer a settlement loan.

How long does this whole process take? It sounds like a lot of moving parts, but it’s pretty simple, and we’re proud to see we can get clients South Carolina legal funding in as little as 24 hours.

Only a day, a loan comes without any conditions on how the money can be spent, and that only gets paid back if and when you settle.

A pretty sweet deal.